Derma Update: Elevated risk of psoriasis seen in children and elderly patients with asthma


eMediNexus    28 June 2020

Numerous earlier studies had reported that there is an increased risk of asthma in children and elderly with psoriasis. The objective of this study is to cover the earlier research about the risk of psoriasis in children with asthma in an entire population that is subdivided by age.

The 2002-2013 Korean Health Insurance Review and Assessment Service-National Sample Cohort was used. Overall, 167,693 participants with asthma were coordinated with 167,693 control participants regarding age, sex and region of residence, income, history of hypertension, diabetes and dyslipidemia. The incidences of asthma were investigated in both asthma and control groups.

The results of the assessments revealed that the incidence of psoriasis was 0.5% in the asthma group and 0.4% in the control group (p < 0.001). The asthma group confirmed higher hazard ratios for psoriasis than the control group. This result was constant in the <15 years old, ≥60 years old and in women subgroups.

Therefore, the study concluded that asthma was related with the increased risk of psoriasis. The possible risk of psoriasis should be considered while managing asthma patients.

Source: Kim SY, Min C, Oh DJ, Choi HG. Increased risk of psoriasis in children and elderly patients with asthma: a longitudinal follow-up study using a national sample cohort. Int Forum Allergy Rhinol. 2019;9(11):1304-1310. doi:10.1002/alr.22429

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